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Credit where none is due

Submitted by David Borden on
Police,responding to a report of a possible home invasion arrived to find the front door open.Inside they found two men who had nothing much to say and they also spotted a quantity of ecstasy pills and part of a brick of cocaine.The story was reported in the MSM and went away until a few days later when the drugs were displayed in front of the media and the bust trumpeted as a major drug bust.The quantity of drugs,it seemed warranted a bigger splash than was first thought so the cops rehashed the whole thing as the result of good police work.I guess it takes some skill to notice bags full of pills in front of your eyes but to call it one of the biggest drug busts in Vancouver history doesn't call up visions of two street cops stumbling onto bags of pills and a partial brick of cocaine.On top of it all,no charges had been laid.They just don't make major drug busts like they used to.

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